Six Tips For Finding Balance Between Work And Household Chores

tips for finding a balance work and household chores

Six Tips For Finding Balance Between Work And Household Chores

Now that the workforce is back at the office, the time between work and doing household chores is no longer interchangeable. For some moms, this can be overwhelming as it often means coming home from work only to do more household chores at home. Nonetheless, fret not; in this article, we’ll share with you six tips for finding a balance between work and household chores.

Ultimately, the capacity to prepare ahead of time and the capacity to carry out your goals are crucial steps toward effectively juggling work and home. Here are six suggestions to aid you in striking that balance:

1. Create a Household Chore Schedule

Make a list of the household tasks that must be completed every day and those that can be completed once a week. Make a timetable and attach it to any surface you frequently visit, such as your refrigerator, bathroom mirror, or cabinet. Plan a weekend spring cleaning every few months to get rid of clutter in your home.

2. Do Household Chores as a Family

Include tasks for your husband and older children in your calendar. Give everyone a job, and consider offering your children little incentives as well. With this arrangement, every one of you can have predetermined tasks, and you won’t feel overwhelmed doing everything yourself anymore.

3. Don’t Let The Chores Accumulate

Clean up each day. Try to organise your home gradually. You might take advantage of the time while on the phone to tidy up your surroundings. It helps since it only matters if the house is freshly dusted and appears somewhat tidy. 

While some household chores must be done right away, others may wait. By working hard to do everything at once, try to avoid accumulation. Set aside, for instance, a particular amount of time each day to clean. Take a break, stop cleaning, and focus on another domestic task instead. This will enable you to manage and keep track of a variety of daily household tasks.

4. Consider Hiring Help 

Whenever you are at home, consider hiring help to do the laundry, sweep, and mop once or twice a week. If you have a maid, asking your maid to purchase the vegetables for the day’s lunch would save you time if she also cooks for your family.

5. Invest In Good-Quality Cleaning Tools

Purchase many cleaning supplies, especially for the bathrooms. Doing this means you or the maid won’t have to spend as much time transferring them between bathrooms. Alternatively, make a cleaning basket that your maid can transport from one bathroom to the next that contains everything you need, including cleaning agents, clothes, and brushes.

6. Plan Your Family Meals Ahead of Time

Plan your meals in advance, take advantage of your freezer, and always prepare enough food for two meals. Choose meals that need little preparation or cooking time. This way, you can cook quickly and efficiently. You may also make a shopping list based on your meal plans to save time in the market. Try ordering your groceries and other items online and having them delivered to your home if the service is satisfactory


Keeping a household running is often teamwork instead of a job only for the mom – this is especially true when it comes to keeping the home clean and tidy. Involve your family in your house chores; they will feel needed and appreciated. If all else fails, don’t be afraid to ask for outside help. Remember that you deserve to enjoy your free time too!

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